
A Division Of Wolfe Enterprises, Inc.

National Composites

National Composites is ready to serve you. Haven't done a composite before? No Problem! We can start your school's legacy today! Contact us to schedule your school's composite!

Ray Wolfe

Ray Wolfe, founder of Wolfe Enterprises, Inc. and National Composites, has been in the photographic portrait services for over 45 years. He is a graduate of several Kodak photo finishing schools along with portrait degrees from Falk School of portrait photography and Bill Stockwells portrait School. His professional attention to each person is to show thoughtfulness, respect and consideration ot each one. We do photo retouching on all composite portraits so that the best will represent the person involved. Ray's reputation is beyond reproach for the quality he presents.


National Photo Composites - Ray Wolfe

Ray Wolfe, founder of Wolfe Enterprises, Inc. and National Composites.